MAIPN MeshNet featured at Berryville
The local Mesh Net effort in Virginia was at Berryville under a new name of Mid-Atlantic IP Network – MAIPN.
HF, VHF & UHF Amateur Radio Messaging/Chat
The local Mesh Net effort in Virginia was at Berryville under a new name of Mid-Atlantic IP Network – MAIPN.
John and maybe Mark will attend the Berryville, Virginia ham fest this weekend and will have our poster setup at a tail-gate spot weather permitting. We look forward to continuing discussions with the ham population as we continue to vet the usefullness of our VAPN concepts.
Any feasibility study needs an assessment of the competing technology landscape. Following our doctrine the following figure shows the data rate vs. frequency (as wavelength) of several ham inspired digital methods. This graphic is used elsewhere in the main pages of this site. It shows the general trend of high speed with higher frequency. More digital … Read more