Geographic diversity for VAPN
We explore the advantages of expanding the VAPN with additional ports along the western mountains.
HF, VHF & UHF Amateur Radio Messaging/Chat
Posts about the various planning steps concerning the rollout and maintenance of the Virginia Packet Network including navigation of bureaucratic hurdles of the FCC, hill top landlords, etc.
We explore the advantages of expanding the VAPN with additional ports along the western mountains.
What would it take to get VAPN connected to Internet email? Let’s examine the points.
Any feasibility study needs an assessment of the competing technology landscape. Following our doctrine the following figure shows the data rate vs. frequency (as wavelength) of several ham inspired digital methods. This graphic is used elsewhere in the main pages of this site. It shows the general trend of high speed with higher frequency. More digital … Read more
An initial request for examination has been sent to the facility manager of the primary site candidate for the VAPN. Details forwarded include: A frequency list to provide the other tenants an opportunity to voice their concerns of these freqs or their harmonics; A statement that no tower real estate is needed or desired – … Read more