Robust Packet
Outpost and the Tracker
The latest version of Outpost PMM directly supports the use of the SCS DPS Tracker TNC. Set yours up using the steps in this article.
SCS Tracker RPR spurious audio emissions fixed
The 1.7k version of the SCS Tracker firmware appears to address the spurious signals above and below the primary signal.
Audio spur above RPR spectrum
The SCS Tracker DSP TNC works very well, but we noticed some additional energy transmitted above and below the primary Robust Packet 500 Hz bandwidth.
HF packet system or bust
Waiting for a spot on the mountain shouldn’t prevent adding tremendously useful HF access to the VAPN system so that’s exactly what we are going to do in the lowlands.
September 2017 status report
Negotiations for hill top space continue while we consider adding HF to the current 2m prototype.
Going all in for the SCS Tracker DSP TNC
The SCS Tracker DSP TNC wins its way into the overall design of the VAPN.
The Kentucky Packet Network
New ideas applied to an old mode help keep Packet Radio relevant in the 21st century.