NOTE: The Kentucky Packet Network ceased operations in 2016 and removed nearly all the content from its previously informative web site.
It is rare I read an entire blog in a few days. However, once I found the web site of the The Kentucky Packet Network I read words describing the current state of affairs for packet radio that pretty much align with my suspicions. The numerous and informative posts mesh well with the KYPN motto…
“Packet Radio never died, it just evolved.”
If you:
- are brand new to packet radio;
- are puzzling over this thing called Winlink;
- want to learn about a relatively recent 200-600 bps HF robust packet protocol called, well, robust packet;
- wonder if there is more to life than 1200 bps on 2m;
- wear an expression of concern whenever you double-click a program written in .NET;
- get a tingling sensation on the back of your neck whenever you learn packet systems touch the Internet;
…then grab your favorite beverage and dig into this site describing the evolution of a practical packet solution that works well in Kentucky providing BBS access on 30m, 10m, 6m, 2m, 222 and 440. Think 2m is their most popular port? Think again. No packeteer should be without this knowledge… especially in the context of Emcomm.