SCS Tracker in bad mood
VAPN has its first technical hiccup involving the SCS Tracker TNC getting into a strange state where it responds to connect requests with a short blurb and that’s it. Category: TNC – Severity: Block
HF, VHF & UHF Amateur Radio Messaging/Chat
VAPN has its first technical hiccup involving the SCS Tracker TNC getting into a strange state where it responds to connect requests with a short blurb and that’s it. Category: TNC – Severity: Block
What would it take to get VAPN connected to Internet email? Let’s examine the points.
This data flow block diagram highlights the high level view of data movement through the VaPN system to include the option of an Internet email gateway.
The SCS Tracker DSP TNC wins its way into the overall design of the VAPN.
Outpost Packet Message Manager promises a familiar user interface to good ol’ packet BBS messages, but with a non-trivial learning curve in setup.