Dire Wolf and Outpost PM
Here’s one way to combine the Dire Wolf packet modem software with Outpost PM for a truly 21st century approach to packet radio.
HF, VHF & UHF Amateur Radio Messaging/Chat
Here’s one way to combine the Dire Wolf packet modem software with Outpost PM for a truly 21st century approach to packet radio.
The latest version of Outpost PMM directly supports the use of the SCS DPS Tracker TNC. Set yours up using the steps in this article.
Three months after the 2017 ARRL Field Day, several radiograms are finally delivered to their recipients despite the mystery revolving around moving NTS messages digitally.
Here is a video of our radio group passing field day bonus point messages off site using packet radio. Gear includes: Kenwood TS-2000 transceiver, but not using the internal TNC as it is not up to the task of regular packet radio use; SignaLink USB soundcard interface; Direwolf software TNC; N9TAX Slimjim J antenna; Outpost … Read more
Outpost Packet Message Manager promises a familiar user interface to good ol’ packet BBS messages, but with a non-trivial learning curve in setup.