The following applies to BPQ32 BBS software written by John Wiseman (G8BPQ) accessed by typing BBS and the W4VPN node prompt.
Column three of this example list of messages contains a two letter code for the status of the message.
96 15-Dec PN 20 KX4O KX4O Self test 95 14-Dec BN 120 INFO KX4O VAPN Rules and Regs 94 14-Dec BN 36 INFO KX4O VAPN B Test 59 10-Dec PY 194 KD6AKC @W4VPN KX4O Re:Saturday Morning Test 48 08-Dec PN 254 K2PI KX4O Hi Harv 18 03-Dec TN 180 04915 @NTSME KX4O QTC 1 R BELFAST ME 540 341 2 28-Nov PY 449 KD6AKC KX4O VAPN now on Linux box
The first character is the message type code while the second character is the status code.
Message type codes
- P – Personal Message addressed to a particular callsign or, for VAPN supporters, an Internet email.
- B – Bulletin addressed to a CATEGORY. The category is limited to six characters and should indicate the nature of the message.
- T – National Traffic System (NTS) messages: NTS messages require special addressing and a prescribed format.
Message status codes
- N – “N”o message has not been delivered or read.
- Y – “Y”es message has been read.
- F – Message has been “F”orwarded to addressed BBS.
- K – Message has been “K”illed by the SYSOP or during regular housekeeping.
- H – Message has been “H”eld by the system – for example a new user.
- D – Message has been “D”elivered – Used for NTS message status.
- $ – Bulletin is pending delivery to addressed BBS